Natural and Resource Potential of the Lacustrine Ecological Systems of Turiysk District of Volyn Region


  • Myhailo Shevchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Oleksandr Serhushko Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



lake, basin, directive, typology, sapropel


This article describes the influence of anthropogenic and natural factors on the lakes of Volyn region. The differentiation of groups and types of lakes of Turiysk district, based on the current European criteria, is conducted. The possible solutions of the problem are considered with the aim of preceding the hydrological role of reservoirs. Taking into account the necessity of land reclamation complex measures the estimation of natural resources of lake ecosystems is executed. The explored supplies and quality of bottom sediments are indicated and the state of coastal and riverside is described. The natural protected features of areas, kinds of plants and animals listed in the Red Book are indicated. The legislative regulation of business activity on the protected areas is analyzed and the most effective ways of lake sediments application for various types of economic activity are offered.


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How to Cite

Natural and Resource Potential of the Lacustrine Ecological Systems of Turiysk District of Volyn Region. (2016). Notes in Current Biology, 7(332), 102-106.