Some Aspects of the Introduction of Scutellaria Baicalensis Georgi. in Terms of the Kremenets Botanical Garden


  • Ludmyla Kubynska Kremenets Botanical Garden
  • Olena Melnychuk Kremenets Botanical Garden
  • Alla Hordiychuk Kremenets Botanical Garden



Scutellaria baicalensis, introduction, seeds, germination, energy of germination


Defined the characteristics of growth and development Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi when introduced in the Kremenets Botanical gardens. The research data
allow to speak about the prospects of cultivation of S. baicalensis in Western Forest-steppe. Plants in the seed method reproduction knotted flowers and fruit, thus forming the full seeds already from the first year of introduction. The article describes and analyzes how the cultivation of skullcap Baikal, shows the main scheme of sowing, data on the passage of the phases of growth and development of plants, fruiting parameters. Of introduction of this type of research aimed at studying and preserving S. baicalensis in the collection of medicinal plants.


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How to Cite

Some Aspects of the Introduction of Scutellaria Baicalensis Georgi. in Terms of the Kremenets Botanical Garden. (2016). Notes in Current Biology, 7(332), 65-69.