Ecological, Physiological and Phytopathological Assessment of Vegetation Under Urbanization Kovel
heavy metals, urbogennye factors, green plantations, accumulationAbstract
The article presents the results of a comprehensive study of the impact of urbogennyh factors on the environment. The spatial heterogeneity of urban soil pollution with heavy metals, taking into account the intensity of pollution sources. Studies have confirmed that the soil urboehkosistemy city Kovel over time significantly anthropogenically altered by major agrochemical indexes.Studied the negative impact of pollution with toxic elements sod-podzolic soils on the growth and development of the green spaces of the city of Kovel. It made an inventory of urban vegetation and analyzed the morphological and physiological changes in woody and herbaceous plants, their phenology and biological stability in the conditions of anthropogenic press. It is proved that the most resistant wood species in the industrial area of Kovel are common spruce, alder sticky, silver birch, ash, common maple holly, and least of all turned out to be resistant chestnut horse. Substantiated and recommended a number of plant species in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment polyutantov.
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