Qualitative and Quantitative Changes in Compositions of Species of Antropofilious Mosquitoes in the Kanev Natural Reserve
mosquitoes, climate change, Kanev Natural ReserveAbstract
Kanev Nature Reserve is the base for the students’ annual summer practical training. One of the risk factors are mosquitoes which are carriers of the vector-borne diseases.
During the years of comparison, the climatic conditions (e.g. temperature, precipitation) in the reserve were significantly different (in 2006 – humid and moderately warm, and in 2015 – dry and hot). As a consequence there appeared differences in formation of larval habitats, which induced changes in the composition of species and the quantity of adult mosquitoes.
While in 2006 the 17 species of mosquitoes from 3 genera (with domination of the monocyclic species) were recordedin the territory of the reserve, in 2015 the number of species became 14 from 6 genera (with a clear domination of the polycyclic species).
The dominant position of Aedes vexans in 2006 was taken by Culex modestus in 2015. Culiseta alaskaensis was also recorded in the territory of the reserve for the first time.
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