The New Species of Testate Amoebae for the Fauna of Ukraine (Rhizopoda, Testacealobosea, Nebelidae)
testate amoebae, taxa, Nebela, fauna, sphagnum, Zhytomir PolessjeAbstract
The genus Nebela Leidy, 1874 is one of the well-studied genera of the testaceans. More than 120 taxa of this genus Nebela have been described until now. Most of them are cosmopolitan and inhabiting in sphagnums and soils.
The one of the most perspective territories of Ukraine for the freshwater protists study is Ukrainian Polissya with different type of water reservoirs. Thus purposeful ekologic-faunistic research of testaceans of Zhitomir Polessya is not conducted, what coused the special researches of this group for a region.
There are found of 3 species of testate amoebae new for Ukraine: Nebela bigibbosa Penard, 1890, N. dentistoma Penard, 1890, N. vitraeа Penard, 1899.
The arcticle contains the original descriptions and short ecological descriptions feature of investigated taxa. Species descriptions are written on the basis of own observation and publiched data.
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