Bioecological analysis of Papilionidae, Pieridae and Nimphalidae butterflies families of the town Busk and its outskirts


  • Vadim Tepliuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Natali Kubat Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



butterflies, caterpillars, habitat, forests, grasslands, agrocenoses


The purpose of the work was to specify the species composition, to determine the relative abundance, to conduct a comprehensive bioecological analysis of day butterflies. The main natural habitats (forests, meadows) and agrocenoses were explored. 31 species butterflies were registered and they were divided into the groups depending on the relative abundance. Biotopical affiliation, trophic relations of caterpillars, flying period of adults, peculiarities of wintering and development of individual species were established. In meadows 24 species were registered and in the forests and agrocenoses there were 20 species in each. P. brassicae, P. rapae, P. napi, P. daplidice were marked as pests of agricultural crops in the caterpillar stage. The most of species (13) overwinters in larvae stage. The flying of butterflies begins from the middle of March and lasts until the middle of October. 17 species have one generation a year, 12 species have two, 2 species have more than two.


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How to Cite

Bioecological analysis of Papilionidae, Pieridae and Nimphalidae butterflies families of the town Busk and its outskirts. (2015). Notes in Current Biology, 2(302), 71-76.