Influence of Paclobutrazol on the Anatomical and Morphological Indices of Potato Plants


  • Olesіa Tkachuk Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University



Solanum tuberosum L., retardants, paklobutrazol, anatomic structure, mezostructure


The influence of a triazole derivative with inhibitory effect – 0,025 % paclobutrazol on the growth, formation of the stalk and leaf apparatus of the potato plants was studied. It was established that the retardant inhibited the growth leading to thickening of the stalk. The stalk diameter enlarged due to increase of the sizes of the cortex and number of parenchyma rows. The collenchyma and endoderm enlarged. It could be observed that in the plants treated with the growth inhibitor the sizes of the leaf columnar and spongy cells as well as the number of stomas increased and their area extended. Such a positive characteristics proved strengthening of photosynthetic processes and gas exchange of the studied plants. Treatment with 0,025 % paclobutrazol led to increase of the number of stolons in the plant and decrease in their sizes that was a positive sign. That influenced the productivity of the potatoes of the sort Nevska.


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How to Cite

Influence of Paclobutrazol on the Anatomical and Morphological Indices of Potato Plants. (2015). Notes in Current Biology, 2(302), 47-50.