Eco-geographical Features of the Lihenobioty in the Industrial area of Krivyi rig Basin


  • Viktoriya Kachуnska Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



lichen, projective cover, floristic composition, lichenoindication


It is established that taxonomical structure of lichens is characterised 11 species of lichens related to 7 genera, 6 families. Рopulation at different levels of aerotechnogenic pollution of industrial mining – metallurgical complex of Krivyi Rig Basin. In the highway area there was found the worsening living conditions of thallus at the lichens Physcia, manifested in the reduction of a projective cover and reducing of the size of thallus with the increasing of the degree of their damage. Predominance at the lichens of crustaceous cladinas, insignificant participation of fissile cladinas and complete absence of bushy forms is the possible consequence of industrial influence. Geographical analysis shows dominant structure at the lichens predominance of representatives multielement. Key results can be used to predict the state of ecosystems using lichenoindication in terms of industrial regions of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Eco-geographical Features of the Lihenobioty in the Industrial area of Krivyi rig Basin. (2015). Notes in Current Biology, 2(302), 22-25.