Peculiarities of Electromyographic Activity of Hand’s Distal Muscles in Women With Different Modal α-Frequency
flexor, extensor, manual movement, electromyogram, amplitudeAbstract
An important component of the coordinated activity of the brain's motor systems and of the executive apparatus is the question of the relationship between the characteristics of the electroencephalogram's specific rhythms and the features of control of distal muscles. It is believed that the EEG modal α-frequency is determined genetically along with the brain's structural and functional organization and might be related to the level of psychomotor and cognitive abilities. The purpose of the study is to identify the electrical activity of the surface muscles of the hand's fingers as indicators of their functional state at rest and during the execution of manual movements in response to the action of sensory signals in women with different characteristics of the α-rhythm of the EEG. The study involved 136 women aged 19–21 years, who were divided into two groups – with high and low values of EEG modal alpha frequency (IαF), which was determined individually during rest state. Electromyograms of flexor muscle (m. Flexor digitorum superficialis) and extensor (m. Extensor digitorum) fingers of women were registered at rest and during manual compression movements and unclasped fingers of right and left hands in response to rhythmic auditory signals. Functional state of the muscles was evaluated at rest by the average amplitude and by the frequency of background oscillations of EMG, condition of these muscle during manual movements – by the amplitude medium logarithmic change factor and EMG frequency. At rest in women with high IαF was installed more significant lateral and reciprocal differences in the electromyogram parameters of flexor and extensor fingers of the hand compared to the examinees with low individual α-range. During the manual movements women with high modal α-frequency were marked with less contractile activity of superficial finger muscles, especially right hand’s flexors. Women with low α-frequency were marked with less specific and differentiated processes of surface muscles fingers activation. The prospect of further research may be to establish the peculiarities of the electromyographic activity of the hand's distal muscle, under conditions of higher manual complexity of manual movements.
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