The Influence of Temperature on Growth and Vitality of Mycelia of Fungicolous Fungus Cladobotryum Dendroides Strains




conditions, fungistasis action, colony color, colony morphology


The influence of temperature  in interval -18±0,3°С - 45±0,3°С  on growth rate, colony morphology and mycelia vitality of 5 strains Cladobotryum dendroides is considered. The strains were isolated from Agaricus bisporus carpophores which were affected by cobweb disease. It was demonstrated that the temperature 25±0,3°С was optimal for growth of all strains on potato glucose agar medium. The growth rate was decreased  in 65-120 times under conditions of temperature increase from 25±0,3°С to 31±0,3°С. The growth rate was decreased  in 3-5 times under conditions of temperature decrease from 25±0,3°С to 18±0,3°С. The temperature 35±0,3°С was critical for the growth of 3 from 5 investigated strains, and the temperature 34±0,3°С was critical for the growth of  others.  It was found, that the temperatures -18±0,3°С, 5±0,3°С  and 15± 0,3°С have  fungistasis action for all C. dendroides strains.  It was shown that temperature increase (30±0,3°С, 31±0,3°С, 34±0,3°С) results in changes of morphological characteristics of mycelia: edge of colony becomes irregular, the colony color changes from yellow or light yellow to rose, dark brown or dark cherry, the riversum color – from yellow  on dark brown or dark cherry.


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How to Cite

The Influence of Temperature on Growth and Vitality of Mycelia of Fungicolous Fungus Cladobotryum Dendroides Strains. (2018). Notes in Current Biology, 4(377), 44-47.