The Prairie Vegetation of the Volynski Highlands and the Challenges of its Protection




Volynski highlands, prairie colony, rare plant species, protection


The purpose of the research was the detailed exploration of the extrazonal prairie areas on the territory of the Volyn highlands. Exclusive prairie species as well as calcareous prairie species are rare and less common in this region. The focus of the research was  on performing an inventory of those species on the territory of the Volyn highlands, studying the ecologo-coenotic conditions of their vegetation, discovering the reasons of reduction of population of the species as well as developing the scientific ground for their protection. Following the monitoring activities around the Volynski highlands the few areas of prairie vegetation were discovered: Vyshneva Gora near Rivne, slopes of mntn. Lys and Kvituch near Milcha, Dubnovsky region, Rivne Oblast, mntn. Smordva near Smordva, Mlyniv region, Rivne Oblast, landmark Pecheny Vol near Korablische, Mlyniv region, Rivne Oblast and landmark Graboveschina near Vladislavovka, Mlyniv region, Rivne Oblast. All six selected areas are located on the chalky mesas with fragments of vegetation concentrating mainly on the southern and south-western slopes. The analysis of the literature and personal field studies confirm the growth of many rare and endangered species of Ukrainian flora in those areas, among which are the following: Stipa capillata, Adonis vernalis, Allium sphaerocephalumLinum flavumIris hungaricaAster amellus,Inula ensifoliaTeucricum chamaedrysPeucedanum lubimenkoanumFestuca valesiacaDaphne cneorum L., Ranunculus zapalowiczii Pacz., Teucrium montanum Kern.,  Carlina onopordifolia Bess. ex. Szaf.etc. The analysis of the fragments of the rare prairie vegetation on the examined territory was completed. Phytocenotic description of those areas was documented. Rare and endangered species of the region were inventoried, the ecologo-coenotic conditions of their vegetation examined, the reasons of reduction of population of the species discovered. Every area that has been analyzed is a part of the natural reserve, however the monitoring activities have indicated the regression of the population of certain rare species. The reason behind it is the overgrowth of more aggressive species on the slopes which leads to the disappearance of the rare prairie colony. Therefore, it is advised to review and change the laws regulating certain activities performed on the nature reserve territory.


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How to Cite

The Prairie Vegetation of the Volynski Highlands and the Challenges of its Protection. (2018). Notes in Current Biology, 4(377), 37-47.