The Special Features of Space Dividing of Khorol Botanical Garden Territory




a display plot, іntroduction, collection, subtropical species


It was given conditions and the project decision of spatial distribution of the territory 18 hectares of Khorol botanical garden and determined main factors influenced on special features of distribution. It was shown the meaning of functional zoning of the territory as a result of foundation scientific (0,58 hа), display (17,24 hа) and administrative-economical (0,18 hа) zones. It was marked, the project of organization of the territory of Khorol botanical garden (2014) explains fully the using of botanical-geographical, systematic, floristic, еcological and decorative principles of location of collection and display plots. It is reported, Khorol botanical garden is a new-created establishment (The decree of the Ukrainian President from 11.12.2009.         № 1041 «About foundation of Khorol botanical garden») it began its activity only at the end of 2011 year (The decree of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine from 18.10.2011 № 395 «About confirming the position of Khorol botanical garden») but nowadays the plot of oak grove is reconstructed and it is placed a scientific-research plot of the subtropical fruit garden, the plot of the Jurassic period, partly the plot of nut garden, a plot for paradisial garden is being. It is underlined, the reserve for increasing of fruit crops in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine are some subtropical species because they respond to the requirements of modern fruit-growing because they have high resistibility to diseases, they have high regenerative ability and they have ability to recommence  immediately after damaging and have early reproductive development phase. It is specified, the important argument is global warming of climate, as introduction of subtropical fruit species takes place from south to north. It is shown, the territory of Khorol botanical garden is appointed for growing and researching of different plants and their groups in ecological conditions that are typological for forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. The grown botanical collections of new, rare and exotic plants demonstrates evidently the development of spatial distribution of the territory of the botanical garden and decide the questions of maintenance of biodiversity and gene fund of  plants, theoretical and practical tasks of introduction and acclimation of plants, landscape architecture and propaganda of nature protection knowledge.


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How to Cite

The Special Features of Space Dividing of Khorol Botanical Garden Territory. (2018). Notes in Current Biology, 4(377), 27-36.