Functional changes in rheoencephalography of vertebro-basilar leads in adolescent girls diagnosed with hypertension
adolescent girls, arterial hypertension, cerebral hemodynamics, rheoencephalographyAbstract
The aim of our study was to determine the features of cerebral circulation on the background of high blood pressure in ado-lescent girl saged 15–16 years. To achieve this goal, westudied the state of cerebral hemodynamics in adolescent girls with high blood pres-sure and made a comparative analysis of the seindicators. The method of variation statistics and the method of rheoencephalography (REG) were used – a method of diagnostic research that allows to analyze the most important criteria for the condition of cerebral vesselsand blood-flow through them, and is based on measuring changes in cerebralvessels of the vertebro-basilar basin. The following in dicators of rheoen-cephalography were evaluated in the study of cerebral circulation: period of pulse blood filling, time of maximum filling, time of delay, am-plitude of fast filling, dichroic index, rheographic index, average filling speed.
As a result of the experiment, it was found that the studied in dicators in girls with high blood pressure (hypertension) are character-ized by statistically lower values of pulse blood filling period (T), maximum filling time (s), dichroic index (A1) and significantly higher average filling rate (Vcp) at p<0.05. This change indicates a decrease in cerebral hemodynamic volume, stroke volume of blood and in-creased arterial tone.
The appearance of high blood pressure in adolescence is associated with the risk of its persistence in subsequent years and an unfavor-able prognosis for cardiovascular disease. Therefore, early diagnosis of hypertension in adolescence and adolescence is quite relevant in or-der to conduct effective and timely prevention and treatment, which will prevent a serious prognosis in adulthood. Cerebrovascular disorders are an important component of hypertension, as many brain diseases are accompanied by circulatory dysfunction in the brain.
The obtained results and their scientifically substantiated analysis play an important role in clinical practice for a more in-depth study of the pathogenesis of arterial hypertension, development of the necessary methods of its prevention and treatment.
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