Features of clinical-biochemical and molecular-immunological status of patients with COVID-19 depending on age and concomitant pathology





viral infection, coronavirus, COVID-19, laboratory diagnostics


The advent (COVID-19) has posed difficult challenges for healthcare professionals in the rapid diagnosis and management of patients with this infection. Although the epidemic of COVID-19 infection has spread worldwide, many issues related to the epidemiolo-gy, diagnosis, clinic, treatment and prevention of this infection remain poorly understood and ambiguous.

The article presents the structural characteristics (age, sex, diagnostic) of patients with COVID-19, treated on the basis of KP «Volyn Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital» for 2020-2021, describes the features of hematological and biochemical parameters in patients with COVID-19 in different age groups depending on the concomitant pathology.

The revealed correlation between hematological, biochemical, immunological and molecular biological studies in patients with COVID-19 of different sexes and different age categories will allow to develop principles of early diagnosis of the disease, predict the clini-cal course and create a personalized approach to treatment of patients with COVID-19. The results of the study will increase the efficiency of diagnosis and develop criteria for predicting the course of the disease, which will provide adequate therapy and further health and life of pa-tients.


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Human and Animal Physiology

How to Cite

Features of clinical-biochemical and molecular-immunological status of patients with COVID-19 depending on age and concomitant pathology. (2022). Notes in Current Biology, 2(2), 34-39. https://doi.org/10.29038/NCBio.21.2.34-39