On the history of exploring the freshwater fauna molluscs of the Transcarpathian region





freshwater molluscs, fauna, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Transcarpathian Ukraine


Freshwater malacofauna of Transcarpathia until today remains poorly understood and our research is aimed to contribute data on solution of this problem. This article presents an analytical review of the available literature data concerning the knowledge of freshwater molluscs fauna of the Transcarpathian region. The list of all species of freshwater molluscs (gastropods and bivalves) that were observed or have been collected by different authors in the territory during the 19-21 centuries is presented. Altogether the list contains 86 species of freshwater gastropods from 13 families and 33 species of bivalves, which belong to 2 families. One species, Viviparus rossmaessleri (Bourguignat, 1880) is only indicated as a possible resident of the area. Status of other species that are mentioned in the analyzed literature require further clarification, as in species of independence, and about the real presence of them in the area. The presence of some of them was confirmed as a result of our revisions of the malacological collections of natural institutions of Ukraine. A significant number of names (species) are listed in this article, by a modern classification (World Register of Marine Species), reduced to synonyms, common species, so such a taxa number, which is indicated in the literature, in our opinion, is overestimated. In this article we do not aim to reduce this list, but only based on literature data, showing the general picture of the composition of the molluscs fauna of this region. Our further work will be aimed at the systematic study of the freshwater molluscs fauna of the Transcarpathian region, based on our own sampling from this area that were carried out during the years 2016-2019. This should add more reliable evidences in assessment of the species diversity of the freshwater malacofauna of the Transcarpathian region. As a result, the whole list of all species of freshwater molluscs available on the territory will be presented, taking into account modern views on their taxonomy.


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How to Cite

On the history of exploring the freshwater fauna molluscs of the Transcarpathian region. (2019). Notes in Current Biology, 4(388). https://doi.org/10.29038/2617-4723-2019-388-4-72-82