Dimensional Features of Polygonum Aviculare L. Cenopopulations Under the Conditions of Floodplain Meadows of Krolevets-Glukhiv Geobotanical Region





medicinal plants, cenopopulations, morphometric analysis, Krolevets-Glukhiv geobotanical region, Polygonum aviculare


The article presents the results of the study of the dimensional features of Polygonum aviculare L. cenopopulations formed in different places of floodplain meadows of Krolevets-Glukhiv geobotanical region. We studied seven cenopopulations of Polygonum aviculare, which are part of monodominant communities, the leading role in the formation of which is played by Polygonum aviculare with plant cover in the range of 90 –95 %. The investigated locations had essential differences in terms of the degree and nature of anthropogenic influence: three of them are of significant recreational loads; the other four are of pasture loads. During the research we used morphometric analysis and a set of methods of statistical and mathematical processing of data. We show that the implementation of morphological variability (variation of morphological parameters of plants within a single population) and morphological plasticity (the change in mean values of morpho-parameters in the «transition» from population to population) is an integral part of the complex of processes and transformations that ensure the existence of cenopopulations of Polygonum aviculare on areas of the studied region. According to the results of morphometric analysis, the specific dimensional features of Polygonum aviculare plants in each of the locations and identifying features of their model individuals were determined. We can say that changes in the size of plants and in their architectonics, which appear at the background of parasitic contamination, are the result of significant changes not only in quantitative but also in qualitative indicators of medicinal raw materials. Pasture loads, in comparison with recreational ones, turned out to be a more powerful factor in the transformation of morpho-parameters of Polygonum aviculare. According to the results of the research, there have been discovered cenopopulations which can be considered as potential centers of regulated gathering of medicinal raw materials.


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How to Cite

Dimensional Features of Polygonum Aviculare L. Cenopopulations Under the Conditions of Floodplain Meadows of Krolevets-Glukhiv Geobotanical Region. (2019). Notes in Current Biology, 3(387), 45-51. https://doi.org/10.29038/2617-4723-2019-387-45-51