Saproxylic Beetles (Coleoptera, Insecta) and Dead Wood in Beech Virgin Forests Uholka Massif Carpathian Biosphere Reserve


  • Maksym Chumak Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians



saproxylic Coleoptera, dead wood, beech virgin forests


Effect of dead wood on number and quality of the saproxylic beetles studied accounting method by combined traps on 60 sampling plots at altitudes of 650–830 meters above sea level. 40 241 individuals studied.
Species richness and dynamic density of saproxylic beetles directly correlated with the volume of dead wood in beech virgin forests. The dominant indicator species in the first stage of destruction of wood are Anoplodera sexguttata (Fabr.) – 1,26 % (Cerambycidae) and Hylecoetus dermestoides (L.) – 1,02 % (Lymexylidae); dominant indicator species of the second stage – Silvanus bidentatus (Fabr.) – 1,02 % (Silvanidae); dominant indicator species of the third stage – Taphrorychus bicolor (Herbst) – 1,59 % (Curculionidae) and Isoriphis melasoides (Laporte) – 1,01 % (Eucnemidae); the dominant species-indicators of the fourth and fifth stages – Osphya bipunctata (Fabr.) – 1,1–1,2 % (Melandryidae) and Mycetophagus ater (Reitter) – 1,01 % (Mycetophagidae).


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How to Cite

Saproxylic Beetles (Coleoptera, Insecta) and Dead Wood in Beech Virgin Forests Uholka Massif Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. (2016). Notes in Current Biology, 12(337), 93-98.