Morphofunctional characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid


  • Pykalyuk V.S Lesya Ukrainka Volyn European National University Lutsk, Ukraine
  • Antonyuk O.P. Bukovinian State Medical Unaversity, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
  • Kabarchuk V.S. Lesya Ukrainka Volyn European National University Lutsk, Ukraine
  • Lomeiko S.M. Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • Solovey L. M. Lesya Ukrainka Volyn European National University Lutsk, Ukraine



cerebrospinal fluid, vascular plexuses, lumbar puncta, CSF therapy.


According to the “classical” hypothesis, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is secreted in portions in the intracerebral ventricular system and moves to the sites of its absorption and circulation (pachyon granulations, perineural spaces of cranial nerves and perivascular spaces of). Numerous experiments and the results of neuroimaging studies indicate the multifunctionality of CSF. The cerebrospinal fluid provides mechanical resistance, cushioning and normal development of the central nervous system, transport of nutrients and removal of metabolic by-products. The cerebrospinal fluid system plays a basic role in the CNS, as it ensures normal neuroontogenesis, regulation of its trophism, circadian rhythms, antioxidant and mechanical protection, reduces the effective weight of the brain, ensures homeostasis and interconnection between the CNS and the peripheral nervous, vascular and immune systems (a single neuro-immune-humoral regulation). CSF pathology is most commonly associated with hydrocephalus, intracranial hypertension, and pseudotumor cerebri syndrome; disruption of its homeostasis can contribute to the accumulation of metabolites in aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Spinal tap of the subarachnoid space is an important therapeutic and diagnostic procedure in the practice of neurologists. The absence of species and individual antigenic specificity opens up broad prospects for xenogenic CSF therapy.


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Anatomy and Histology

How to Cite

Morphofunctional characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid. (2024). Notes in Current Biology, 8(2).