Prenatal morphogenesis of mammalian olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulbs




morphogenesis, olfactory system, olfactory epithelium, olfactory bulb.


Abstract. The data on the morphogenesis of the olfactory organs of different mammalian species are subjected to analysis and systematic organization. The successive stages of olfactory morphogenesis are delineated. The developmental dynamics from the olfactory placode to the formation of the nasal cavity in representatives of different mammalian species are presented and discussed.

The key stages of differentiation of the three populations of olfactory epithelial cells, axogenesis, and the formation of the relationship with the olfactory bulbs in the prenatal period are considered. Particular attention is devoted to the differentiation of olfactory neurosensory cells and the generation of olfactory receptors. The review also addresses the development of the structural organization of the glomerular and mitral layers of the olfactory bulbs.


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Anatomy and Histology

How to Cite

Prenatal morphogenesis of mammalian olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulbs. (2024). Notes in Current Biology, 8(2).