Genetic variability of tobacco plants regenerated from cell lines resistant to heavy metal ions
Nicotiana tabacum (L.), cell selection, heavy metal ions, cytometric analysis, polyploidy.Abstract
One of the main elements of cytological observations carried out at all stages of creating new forms of plants is the determination of ploidy, both of the crossing components and of the resulting hybrids, varieties, and variants. The traditional method of determining ploidy by counting chromosomes on pressurized or permanent preparations under a microscope is laborious, and other methods of determining ploidy by the size of oysters, pollen or the number of chloroplasts in epidermal stomatal cells are not very accurate, especially if the ploidy of the samples does not differ significantly.
The most reliable method for determining plant ploidy is the cytophotometric method of ploidy determination based on changes in the amount of DNA in the cell. The essence of flow cytometry (FCM) is that the fluorochrome light pulse recorded by a flow cytometer is proportional to the amount of DNA of each individual cell nucleus, in turn, the amount of DNA of the interphase nucleus reflects the ploidy of the latter.
Data on the analysis of fertility in experimental plants are presented. The genomes of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) regenerants obtained from cell lines resistant to barium, cadmium, and vanadium ions were studied by cytometric analysis. It was found that the regenerant obtained from the cadmium (Cd2+) resistant line is a triploid. The regenerants obtained from cell lines resistant to barium (Ba2+) and vanadium ions are mixoploids. Control tobacco plants have a diploid genome. Regenerants retain the phenotypic characteristics of resistant cell lines. In our opinion, these characteristics are probably related to the phenomenon of polyploidy. However, other types of mutations in the studied tobacco plant variants are not excluded.
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