Peculiarities of blood parameters in people of different ages with iron deficiency anemia
залізодефіцитна анемія, кров, гемоглобін, анемічний стан.Abstract
The aim of the study was to investigate the peculiarities of blood parameters in people of different ages with iron deficiency anemia. The study was conducted on 77 male and female subjects aged 1 to 60 years, who were divided into groups according to changes in the values of the norm for a certain age: 1 - subjects aged 1-6 years (18 people), 2 - 6-12 years (11 people), 3 - 13-17 years (9 people), 4 - 17-35 years (15 people) and 5 - 35-60 years (24 people), all living in the Volyn region. The analysis of erythrocyte parameters in people aged 1 to 60 years with anemia revealed lower values, in accordance with the norm, of hemoglobin, mean volume and mean hemoglobin concentration in erythrocytes. The analysis of biochemical parameters showed low iron content in the blood of people aged 1 to 17 years. The content of transferrin, ferritin, folic acid and cyanocobaloamine, regardless of age and iron deficiency in the body, was within normal limits. The most reactive changes in clinical and biochemical blood parameters were observed in individuals aged 1-6 and 35-60 years.
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