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Modern composition of rare species of vascular plants of the forest-steppe part of Chernihiv region


  • Larysa Loban Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University
  • Lesya Didyk Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University



rare species, plant protection, Forest-steppe, Chernihiv region


The article is devoted to the problems of protection of rare species of Chernihiv region. The topic is relevant today, as in large areas there is a significant anthropogenic impact.

The aim of the work was to investigate rare species of flora in the region. The article summarizes the materials of studying the flora and vegetation of this part of Chernihiv region for the last 25 years. In the course of the research the methods generally accepted in geobotany were used.

The article presents the characteristics and features of the distribution of species of international protection, which grow within the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Chernihiv region. The composition and protection of species that are rare at the state and regional levels are also analyzed. There are 87 species of rare plants in the phytocenoses of the forest-steppe part of Chernihiv region. The most valuable component of the flora is the species of international protection. Therefore, the article describes the peculiarities of the distribution in this area of ​​6 species listed in the Annex to the Berne Convention. The list of all rare species is given in the form of a table. Their nature protection status, approximate number of locations in the region and provision of protection on the territories of the nature reserve fund of the region are indicated.

Many rare species are already protected in the territories of nature reserves. The largest number of them is growing within the Ichnia National Nature Park.

The largest number of species is represented in the families Orchidaceae (10 species), Cyperaceae (8 species), Ranunculaceae (7 species). For most species in the study region, we indicate 2-5 locations.

Emphasis is placed on declining species, and conservation needs to be improved.

The nature reserve network of the study area includes more than 70 objects. But the results of research will make it possible to design new protected areas that will provide more reliable protection of rare species of different levels.


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2022-06-30 — Updated on 2022-09-09


How to Cite

Modern composition of rare species of vascular plants of the forest-steppe part of Chernihiv region. (2022). Notes in Current Biology, 1 (1).