Floral Features Hydrological Reserve of Local Importance «Orikhivsky» Ratne District, Volyn Region.


  • Oksana Ivantsiv Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Vitalina Fedonyk Lutsk National Technical University
  • Vasyl’ Ivantsiv Lutsk National Technical University




hydrological reserve of local importance «Orikhivsky», endangered species, rare species, vulnerable species


The article analyzes the flora hydrological reserve of local importance «Orikhivsky» Ratne district, Volyn region. The main objective of the work was to establish the current state of floristic diversity and phytocoenotic hydrological reserve of local importance «Orikhivsky» and identify on its territory of rare and endangered species of flora listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and other environmental documents. The article analyzed aspects of the formation and development of floristic research reserve, given the variety description phytocoenotic. In the reserve discovered species of European Red List: Crataegus uсrainica Pojark., Silene lithuanica Zapał., Tragopogon ucrainicus Artemcz., Species listed in Annex 1 of the Bern Convention number: Aldrovanda vesiculosa L, Cypripedium calceolus L. Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich, Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill., Species from the Red Book of Ukraine: 3 endangered, vulnerable 5, 6 rare species in the territory among the endangered species should be noted – Huperzia selago, Oxycoccus microcarpus, Scheuchzeria palustris; the number of vulnerable species – Cephalanthera rubra (L.), Drosera anglica Huds, Epipactis helleborine (L.) O. Kuntze, Lilium martagon L., Lycopodiella inundata (L.) Holub.; among the rare species – Betula humilis Schrank, Listera ovata (L.) R. Br., Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich., Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich., Salix myrtilloides L., Salix starkeana Willd.



How to Cite

Floral Features Hydrological Reserve of Local Importance «Orikhivsky» Ratne District, Volyn Region. (2017). Notes in Current Biology, 7(356), 36-40. https://doi.org/10.29038/2617-4723-2017-356-7-36-40