Dissemination, Ecology and Behavior of Castor fiber L. in the Vicinity of the Villages of Gubyn and Tumyn of the Lokachynskii district of Volyn Region





river beaver, settlement, food, huts, burrows, dams, shallow water


The dissemination, ecological and ethological features of Castor fiber L. in wetlands in the vicinity of the villages of Gubyn and Tumyn of the Lokachynskii district of Volyn region were investigated. We used the route method, accounting through the detection of settlements, calculating the number of animals by the number of tree bites in the territory, questionnaire – interviews method, photographing holes, dams and huts. Near the village of Gubyn, on the River Viinytsia, a settlement of a beaver with a number of 14–16 individuals was detected, in the lower reaches of the reclamation canal, which flows into it – a settlement of 10–12 individuals and one non-residential one - in the upper reaches of the channel; settlements in the vicinity of the village Tumyn on the river have about 34–40 individuals. The analysis of the obtained data allows confirming that the most unfavorable conditions for the European beaver were formed on the reclamation canal near the village of Gubyn. Due to shallow water in summer only the finite region of the channel remains habitable of these animals. The vicinitys of canal are relatively poor in tree vegetation, which is the basis of the winter beaver diet. Therefore, we can assume that if the shallowing canal continues, the beavers will leave this settlement as well, having moved to the Viinytsia River. Settlements of beavers on the rivers Viinytsia and Turia are better provided with forage (due to the proximity of forests). The animals that have settled in these ponds are still able to maintain the water level required for the habitat through the construction of dams. In total, 8 dams were discovered in the study area: 2 on the reclamation canal, 2 on the River Viinytsia and 4 – on the River Turia. In the settlement on the Viinytsia River, huts are predominant among the dwellings, and burrows on the Turia River and the reclamation canal. A factor that limits the spread of river beaver in the study area is the increased aridity of the climate.


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How to Cite

Dissemination, Ecology and Behavior of Castor fiber L. in the Vicinity of the Villages of Gubyn and Tumyn of the Lokachynskii district of Volyn Region. (2020). Notes in Current Biology, 1(389). https://doi.org/10.29038/2617-4723-2020-1-389-45-50