Study Saving Technologies for Growing Crops in Western Polissya of Ukraine


  • Sergii Golub Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Valentyna Golub Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Olena Skuratyvska Volyn State Agricultural Pilot Station of Agriculture Research Institute of Western Polissya of Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences



elements of biologization of technology, fertilizers, norms and terms of sowing, sort, productivity, quality of corn, illness


In the article the applications of elements of biologizatsii of technology of growing of winter wheat are grounded on the basis of the complex use of abioticheskih (soil, climate, weather), biotichnih (sorts, biological components of agrotsenozov and landscapes) and antropogennih (technical, organizational-economic, informative) factors. Іt is set by Researches, that after influence on productivity of the reared cultures in direct action of siderati and, especially, a straw yields to the mineral fertilizers, however their combination with the mineral fertilizers improved the use of nitrogen and was instrumental in stabilization of maintenance in soil of goumousou, therefore the use of side products and siderativ, reared in the intermediate sowing, is a positive element in modern agriculture after the receipt of biological clean products plant-grower. In the link of crop rotation the greatest increases of harvest of agro-cultures are formed in variants with bringing of mineral fertilizers on 63–68 % I will grow on that, where did not apply them that the combination of siderativ, straw and mineral fertilizers – 74–83 % accordingly. From every hectare the productivity of sugar beets is provided at the level of 323–370 ts/ga, furious barley – 32–53, clover – 352–500, winter triticale – 35–58 ts/ga. Resoursozberigayochi biological technologies will be rational from a point economic and power, if all elements which make (terms of sowing and norm of sowing, fertilizer, pesticides, biopreparatы) them to apply in intercommunication: soil – weather – plant – sort – fertilizers – pesticides – environment. In the conditions of Western Polissya of Ukraine on dernovo-pidzolistih soils on a background N60R60C60 and application of biological stimoulyatoriv of growth (Agrostimoulin – 10 ml/t and 10 ml/ga and Mars – 200 ml/t and 200 ml/ga) for treatment of seed and vegetouyochih plants on the V stage of organogenezou at different terms and norms of sowing of winter wheat productivity is provided from 43,3 to 54,5 ts/ga, maintenance in a corn squirrel – 11,11–14 % but gluten – 13,6–27,60 %, especially this notedly at the diminished norms of sowing. Biological stimoulyatori of growth on a background mineral fertilizers are instrumental in bushing of plants out, to forming of amount and length of migvouzliv, assimilation sheet surface, to the increase of length to the ear, amount of ears and corns in an ear, mass of corn from an ear and mass 1000 corns, to reduction of development of the most widespread illnesses in Western of Polissya Ukraine.



How to Cite

Study Saving Technologies for Growing Crops in Western Polissya of Ukraine. (2017). Notes in Current Biology, 7(356), 80-89.