Connection of Spatial-time Orientation with Equilibrium of Nervous Processes in People of Different Ages


  • Bogdan Artemenko Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy



volleyball, ontogenesis, balance of nervous processes, neurodynamic functions, spatial and temporal orientation


The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between the balance of nervous processes and the properties of the CNS to spatial and temporal orientation in people of different ages and physical activity using computer techniques "Diagnostic-1" and "Intest" and of motor tests. It is established that with age the property to space-time orientation improves regardless of the level of motor activity. The results that reflect the balance of nervous processes showed that volleyball players compared to non-athletes had better performance in the studied age groups. For volleyball players from 16 years and older, the connection between the balance of nervous processes and the properties of orientation in space and time was found.


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How to Cite

Connection of Spatial-time Orientation with Equilibrium of Nervous Processes in People of Different Ages. (2020). Notes in Current Biology, 1(389).