Effects of a trematode infestation on the content of certain groups of lipids in the body of the great pond snail


  • Lidiya Muzyka Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
  • Galyna Kyrychuk Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University




Lymnaea stagnalis, non-polar lipids, phospholipids, trematode infestation, metabolic adaptation


The peculiarities of biochemical adaptation processes of mollusks under the influence of biological factors (trematode invasion) arouse considerable interest in the mechanisms of individual resistance and adaptive abilities of these animals on the one hand, and the need to clarify the most complex relationship between a parasite and a host on the other.

The analysis of literature sources showed the singularity, fragmentation and some ambiguity of the presented data concerning the effect of partenit trematodes on the content of some lipid groups in tissues and organs of Lymnaea stagnalis, which determined the purpose of this research.

The features of the content of triacylglycerols (TAG), diacylglycerols (DAG), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and phospholipids (PL) in the hemolymph, hepatopancreas, mantle and foot of freshwater gastropods Lymnaea stagnalis are studied. It is determined that in studied mollusks the trematode infestation effect causes a decrease of TAG quantity in the hemolymph, hepatopancreas and foot (30,40–43,37% less) and increases it to 66,02% in the mantle. The decrease of DAG in the hepatopancreas and mantle (24,0% less) of infested animals compared to non-infested ones is found. As for NEFA, the reduction of this fraction of 24,75% in the hepatopancreas and its increase in the mantle (32,51% more). It is shown that the content of PL increases 1,22–3,79 times in all studied organs of the great pond snail. The tissue and organ specifity of TAG, DAG, NEFA and PL distribution in the body of infested and intact L. stagnalis.

The highest levels of TAG of non-infested pond snails were observed in the most metabolically active organs – the hepatopancreas and the leg. As for DAG and NEFAs, these groups were found only in the hepatopancreas and the mantle of the studied animals, and the content of structural PL in the hepatopancreas exceeds their composition in the mantle by 3.24 times and in the leg by 36% (p <0.05). The highest indicators of TAG content of infected specimen are found in the leg and the mantle of mollusks, the lowest – in the hemolymph.

The highest indicators of the content of DAG and NEFAs are recorded in the mantle, and it is possible to build the following series for the content of PhL in the body of L.stagnalis (in the direction of the indicator growth): leg → mantle → hepatopancreas.


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How to Cite

Effects of a trematode infestation on the content of certain groups of lipids in the body of the great pond snail. (2020). Notes in Current Biology, 1(389). https://doi.org/10.29038/2617-4723-2020-1-389-66-71