Honey Plant Dendroflora Chernelytskoho Forestry: Analysis and Protection (Prut-Dniester Interfluve)


  • Mariya Haydukevych Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University




forest plant communities, dendroflora, species, honey plants, natural resources, vegetation


The article investigates the honey plants dendroflora forest communities Chernelitsky Forestry Enterprise «Kolomyia LH» (Prut-Dniester interfluve). Studied forest stands and forest felling, made abstract dendroflora revealed honey woody plants, their analysis, named the most valuable honey plants, nectar and contains their values.
On the territory of the forest is dominated by plant communities in which the dominant are the English oak, beech forest, hornbeam, Norway maple, maple, sycamore, and -. Hazel, rowan, rose hips, raspberries, etc. In general, the plant communities forest identified 85 species of woody plants which belong to 53 genera and 26 families of which – 46 species (54 % dendroflora) – honey plants.
Honey plants belong to 16 families and 31 species. Most of the family of the numerical capacity of honey plants – a family of Rosaceae (28 % dendroflora). Over the life forms honey plants dendroflora forestry as follows: In the trees – 37 %, shrubs – 61 % and bushes – 2 %. The most valuable in the value of the honey are a family of Tiliaceae, Fabaceae, Rosaceae and Salicaceae.
The paper developed some measures for the conservation and protection of honey plants in forestry.


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How to Cite

Honey Plant Dendroflora Chernelytskoho Forestry: Analysis and Protection (Prut-Dniester Interfluve). (2016). Notes in Current Biology, 7(332), 40-44. https://doi.org/10.29038/2617-4723-2016-332-7-40-44