Features Inheritance Spectral Characteristics of Background EEG in Dizygotic and Monozygotic Twins


  • Olga Mikhalevich Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University




twins, electroencephalogram, power spectrum, subrange, rhythm, concordance, inheritance


In a scientific paper the inheritance of the spectral characteristics of EEG power in twins. In this paper, also used twin method to determine the genetic traits of conditionality, which demonstrates the good relationship between genotype and the environment. Twin method, as well as pedigree analysis, allows to establish hereditary traits, and this is the only method that detects correlative role (specific gravity) genetic (hereditary) and environmental factors in the formation of thec haracteristic. Based on the experimental study found that in monozygotic twins sufficiently high level of inheritance indicators of the power spectrum EEG from 4 to 10 Hz. In particular, the high level of inheritance characterized by alpha and theta rhythms of the left hemisphere. Subband beta-1 and beta-2 evidently due to environmental factors in the presence of a genetiс predisposition.

Article useful for teachers, graduate students, and everyone who is interested in problems of psychophysiology and psychogenetics.


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How to Cite

Features Inheritance Spectral Characteristics of Background EEG in Dizygotic and Monozygotic Twins. (2015). Notes in Current Biology, 2(302), 185-189. https://doi.org/10.29038/2617-4723-2015-302-185-189