The Variety of Ecologic-coenotic Strategies of Plant Species of the Tier of the Grass and Shrub in Forest Ecosystems in the North-East of Ukraine


  • Igor Kovalenko Sumy national agrarian university



phytobiovariety, ecologic-coenotic strategies, life forms, the tier of the grass and shrub


The article deals with the problem phytobiovariety not only the variety of plant species of an ecosystem, but also the variety of these kinds of ongoing ecological and coenotic strategies. Analyzed the variety of ecologic-coenotic strategies that are implemented by the typical plant species of the coniferous and deciduous forests in the typical forest ecosystems in the north-east of Ukraine. In the research area, in the north-east of Ukraine, forests have an important ecological stabilizing function. For the conservation of natural forests was organized the National Natural Park «Desnyansko-Starogutsky» as well as a number of nature reserves, which are under protection. The composition of the group of species of life forms of the tier of the grass and shrub of forest ecosystems indicates their high adaptability to growing conditions. Among a group of plants of the tier of the grass and shrub dominated by perennials with fully or partially evergreen or wintering in the green state leaves.


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How to Cite

The Variety of Ecologic-coenotic Strategies of Plant Species of the Tier of the Grass and Shrub in Forest Ecosystems in the North-East of Ukraine. (2015). Notes in Current Biology, 2(302), 25-29.