Forestry selection estimation of forest planting of Scotch pine in National natural park “Pripyat–Stokhid”


  • Vasyl Voytyuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Valentyna Andreyeva Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Oleksandr Kychylyuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Anatoliy Getmanchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



Scotch pine, genetic reserve, plus tree


The work is devoted to the study of selection values of Scotch pine forest stands in the National Park “Pripyat–Stokhid”. Investigated forest stands are growing in fresh forest and pine forests on Ia-II bonitet, characterized by good health, aged 75–90 years in the fullness of 0,63–0,92 have stock of wood per 1 ha of 330–460 cubic meters. The selection structure of trees is showed that one planting is belonging to normal and three – to plus. Trees are characterized by good cleaning trunk of dead twigs, good and average overgrowth cleared of dead knots places. Also trees have got well developed mainly conical crowns, mostly from the middle and thin branches. In most of the trees are no defects trunk and crown. A large variety of morphological forms and variability of forest-selection indexes of Scotch pine allows carrying out the positive selection at the local material. Researched forest stands advisable to classify as genetic reserves. We propose to use plus stands in quality testing as candidates to natural varieties-populations of Scotch pine.


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How to Cite

Forestry selection estimation of forest planting of Scotch pine in National natural park “Pripyat–Stokhid”. (2015). Notes in Current Biology, 2(302), 5-11.